Scientific Advisory Board

“The interaction between Akashi and the patient community is much greater than you will find at pharma R&D; organizations. I believe this degree of closeness and overlap between the company and the target community is the single greatest asset possessed by Akashi that will help drive solutions for DMD.”

– Dr. Ernest Bush, Chief Scientific Office

Anthony Amato, MD

Vice-Chairman, Neurology Department, Brigham and Women Hospital, Boston, Massachusetts, and Professor of Neurology, Harvard Medical School.

Jeffrey Chamberlain, PhD

Professor of Neurology, Biochemistry, and Medicine and Research Affiliate, Center on Human Development and Disability University of Washington, Seattle.

Merit Cudowitz, MD, MPH

Professor of Neurology, Harvard Medical School, Director, Mass. General Hospital MDA ALS Clinic; Chief, Neurology Service; Co-Director, Neurological Clinical Research Institute and Co-Director, Neuromuscular Division.

Francesco Muntoni, MD

Director of The Dubowitz Neuromuscular Centre, University College London and Professor in Pediatric Neurology.

Robert Pacifici, PhD

Chief Scientific Officer, CHDI Foundation, Inc (Cure Huntignton Disease Initiative).

Dominic Wells, VetMB, PhD

Professor in Translational Medicine, Department of Comparative Biomedical Sciences (Comparative Neuromuscular Diseases), Royal Veterinary College, University of London.